The Cannon Adventures: A Day in Oak Glen, CA

I apologize in advance for the amount of adorable photos I’m including in this post. It’s just been so long since I’ve had a family adventure to post because pregnancy has been a roller coaster. This trip up to Oak Glen is one that I knew was worth it even if it meant my sciatic nerve would be killing me by the end of the day. You see, a trip up to pick raspberries once Fall rolls around has been a family tradition for as long as I can remember. Sure, it may not be Fall according to the calendar, but Starbucks is serving Pumpkin Spice Lattes so that counts to me!

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Our first stop of the day is always to Snow-Line Orchard. Its a quaint little shop nestled back off the main road with u-pick raspberries. While we always brought apples home from our trips, we preferred picking raspberries over apples. Less walking and way easier for kids of all age to participate in. Plus, you can use the pick one, eat one method when you’re berry picking. Some days we end up picking in foggy cold weather and other times, like this day, its bright and sunny with a a cool breeze. Either way is just lovely.

Then commenced the eating, and lots of it. We ate raspberries and we ate donuts. You guys, the donuts are something that I dream about throughout the year. These are mini apple cider donuts, freshly made right before eyes, and then doused in cinnamon and sugar. I may have eaten a whole dozen by myself, but they are mini, so I told myself that it only counted as one regular one. Christian also partook in a new treat this year, the frozen apple cider, which was essentially a slushie full of apple-y goodness. You can also buy all sorts of freshly picked bagged apples, apple wine, antiques, baking mixes, and the most delicious apple cider made right at the orchard. They have original apple, cherry apple, and raspberry apple, and I sample them every year even though I already know they’re amazing. The owner mentioned to me this year, since I clearly am pregnant, that all of the ciders are flash pasteurized, which means this mama could drink them guilt free!

Elouise also brought her baby doll and her Solly Dolly wrap, which is one of her new favorite things. Whenever we wrap her up and stick her doll in it, she gets this look of pride on her face. Then she continues to rock, burp, and cuddle that sweet little baby doll until it inhibits her from climbing and she shouts “off, off”. This year we also started a new tradition because Snow-Line now smokes and BBQs their own meat on the weekends. We had the most delicious lunch of ribs, tri tip, brisket, and homemade apple coleslaw and baked beans. I’m hungry now just thinking about it and I literally just finished dinner.

Other times when we have a bit more energy we like to visit a few more stops along the road.

  • Riley’s at Los Rios Ranch also has delicious BBQ, apple pie, a big lawn for picnicking, and a pretty nature trail.
  • Riley’s Farm has the most gorgeous old farmhouse and all sorts of historic reenactments, plus its pretty just to walk around.
  • Oak Tree Village is another favorite for pie at Apple Annie’s, a caramel apple or home-made fudge at the Village Candy Kitchen, and a cute little petting zoo.

I honestly think we will be going back again this Fall. Let me know if you decide to visit or if you have any other secret gems of your own up in Oak Glen!

Thank You For Sharing

2 thoughts on “The Cannon Adventures: A Day in Oak Glen, CA

  1. Lindsey Feiker

    I would love to go visit this place. I don’t believe I live that far from you. We just moved to south Fontana. My oldest son and I love raspberries and we all love bbq. And it all sounds sooo amazing, including the donuts. We have to make a trip up there soon. Is there still raspberry picking in early October or late September?

    • mrsseacannon

      No you’re not too far away at all! You should definitely make a trip up, it’s the best. It’s always unpredictable with the picking based on weather but if you visit their website it will tell you if they still have berries!

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