Sullivan’s Birth Story

I’m currently sitting with an almost two week old little guy cuddled up on my chest. Becoming a mama again has been the most wonderful gift I could have ever imagined. I think that I grew a second heart just to make room for all of the love I have for him. Then there’s the third heart that holds all of the love I gain in the moments I watch my two babies interact. Elouise is already the best big sister and is so sweet to her brother. Well, it took me over a year and a half to write down Elouise’s birth story and I was not going to wait that long to document little man’s arrival. So without further ado, I give you the story of how we met Sullivan Gray Cannon.

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Mrs Seacannon Must-Haves: DockATot

The one thing that I was most worried about when we found out I was pregnant was loosing sleep when the new baby arrived. No, seriously, that was my biggest worry. I really, really, like my sleep, and Elouise was sleeping through the night pretty much since we brought her home from the hospital. Surely we had no chance of getting that lucky again. Then Sullivan was born and the DockATot saved our sleep.

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A Letter to my Son

Dear Sullivan,

Today is your due date, yet here I sit with you cuddled on my chest. I am so thankful that you came early because I already can’t imagine life without you in it. You have filled a void in our family that I didn’t even know existed. Everyone told me that my heart would grow when you arrived, but when I looked at your sweet face for the first time I think it just about burst with love for you. You are unlike anything that I could have ever imagined, you are far more sweet, snugly, and perfect. You have already grown and changed in this last week and I am desperate for time to slow down so I can soak it all up. Yet, imagining the things we get to watch you learn and do makes me giddy. You have so many firsts ahead of you and I can’t wait to see your little personality develop with each new day.

Thank you for making me a mama again. Being the second born in no way makes you second best. It just means that you are twice as lucky to already have a sister to love you. I promise to guide you as you grow and, with your Daddy’s help, to shape you into a strong, kind, and caring man. I promise that you will never be alone or unloved, because you will always have the support and love of your family and your Heavenly Father.

Thank you for simply being you, because everything that you already are is exactly what our family needed.


Your Mama

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Play Room Facelift

So, if you’ve been following along with my sweet family for a while, you know that we are currently in a teeny tiny one bedroom town home. That means that our play area is our dining room and our dining room is the first thing you see when you enter our little space. There’s no hiding the chaotic toddler war zone since our living area is completely open concept. I tried to keep this area simple and somewhat aesthetically pleasing, but as Elouise has grown it has slowly morphed into a big, noisy, colorful whirlwind. We are actually moving when our lease is up in mid December, but my extreme nesting urge couldn’t be rationalized with, so we re-arranged to make room for baby boy.

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A Letter to My Baby Before She Becomes a Big Sister

Dear Elouise,

Tonight Daddy got to rock you to sleep, but as always I came and prayed with you first. You held my hand and mumbled along with my words. Then when it was time to give smoochies you reached up and grabbed my face and pulled it in for a big kiss. If that didn’t melt my heart, the way you freely stated “I love you mom” all on your own put me right over the edge. You are the sweetest, most wonderful thing.

I never knew how much love I could feel for someone or something until I found out that you were growing inside of me. For those 41 weeks that you grew, you were always on my mind. I ate special foods, thought about what you would look like, and prayed for you constantly. Then you came bursting into the world and I will never forget seeing your sweet face for the first time and holding you close as your Daddy and I cried. We couldn’t believe you were ours, and we still can’t. 

For the last 20 months it’s just been the three of us sharing adventures, snuggles, and giggles. Most nights after you go to bed we talk about how much we miss you and love you and look through videos and pictures of you on our phone. We even joke about waking you up just to get in some more cuddles and playtime. You are so smart and we are amazed at the things you have already accomplished in your short little life, like walking at 10 months, counting to 10 at 1 year, or singing your ABC’s at 18 months. Your Mama and Daddy are so proud of you baby girl.

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