It’s Official!

Believe it or not, this pregnancy is halfway over already. We just had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and I feel like this whole baby thing is finally official. I’ll be honest, it’s mostly due to the fact that I had an irrational fear that our initial gender ultrasound would be proven incorrect at our mid-way scan. I kept imagining having to return all of the sweet baby boy clothes I have been collecting (or hoarding if you ask my husband) and my heart would sink. Well, our sweet ultrasound technician made it very clear that we are in fact having a boy! So now I can finally relax a bit and hope that the rest of this pregnancy will fly by and be super blissful. I mean, a girl can hope!

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Why I’m Hooked on Prenatal Yoga

Believe it or not, my doctor doesn’t count chasing around my crazy active toddler as exercise. Clearly she must not have children. In any case, I have been trying my hardest to stay active with intentional exercise during this pregnancy. You see, when I was pregnant with Elouise I was teaching full time and on my feet most of the day scurrying around a classroom. I never really felt like squeezing in those extra 30 minutes of exercise seemed as pressing. This time around, I’m a stay at home mama and feel like I have no excuse.

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Growing Baby Boy

If you haven’t heard by now, we are having a little boy! I never knew how different pregnancy could be the second time around. I guess I just assumed my body would kick into gear and remember how to rock the whole growing a baby thing like it did before.

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Baby Number Two

Yes, it’s true; we have another sweet bundle on the way. I figured there was no better way to kick off my blog than to share a bit more about this wonderful adventure we have begun.

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