I could hardly believe those words as I typed them in the title bar. Family of FOUR! It honestly is so surreal but at the same time it feels like this it’s just how life was always meant to be. Sullivan fills a void in our family that I never knew existed. The week after we got home, my sweet sister in law came and snapped some photos of us. I wanted to share them all with you here because there are so many great ones and I can’t share them all over on my Instagram. So, here they are!
Mrs Seacannon Must-Haves: DockATot
The one thing that I was most worried about when we found out I was pregnant was loosing sleep when the new baby arrived. No, seriously, that was my biggest worry. I really, really, like my sleep, and Elouise was sleeping through the night pretty much since we brought her home from the hospital. Surely we had no chance of getting that lucky again. Then Sullivan was born and the DockATot saved our sleep.
A Letter to My Baby Before She Becomes a Big Sister
Dear Elouise,
Tonight Daddy got to rock you to sleep, but as always I came and prayed with you first. You held my hand and mumbled along with my words. Then when it was time to give smoochies you reached up and grabbed my face and pulled it in for a big kiss. If that didn’t melt my heart, the way you freely stated “I love you mom” all on your own put me right over the edge. You are the sweetest, most wonderful thing.
I never knew how much love I could feel for someone or something until I found out that you were growing inside of me. For those 41 weeks that you grew, you were always on my mind. I ate special foods, thought about what you would look like, and prayed for you constantly. Then you came bursting into the world and I will never forget seeing your sweet face for the first time and holding you close as your Daddy and I cried. We couldn’t believe you were ours, and we still can’t.
For the last 20 months it’s just been the three of us sharing adventures, snuggles, and giggles. Most nights after you go to bed we talk about how much we miss you and love you and look through videos and pictures of you on our phone. We even joke about waking you up just to get in some more cuddles and playtime. You are so smart and we are amazed at the things you have already accomplished in your short little life, like walking at 10 months, counting to 10 at 1 year, or singing your ABC’s at 18 months. Your Mama and Daddy are so proud of you baby girl.
Dressing the Bump: Week 36
A few things have changed over the last week. The first being that my wedding rings don’t fit anymore, hence the little sterling silver number I’m sporting in the photo above. This definitely was never an issue with my last pregnancy so I was a little shocked when it no longer fit. I also am just feeling a little extra puffy all of a sudden, I’m hoping it’s just the water weight that can make you appear swollen right before delivery. Gosh I sure hope that this little dude does me a solid and comes early. Except my parents won’t be home from Israel until the 29th, so if you’re listening little guy, just wait until they’re back. I don’t think I’m asking too much, I’ve been growing this kid for almost nine months now.
Toddler Teeth-Brushing with Dr. Browns
Thanks to Dr. Brown’s for sponsoring this post.
Elouise is at the stage where she loves to brush her teeth, in fact she asks do it several times a day. To be more specific she will proudly declare “Mama, brusha brush teeth” in her sweet little toddler voice. Gosh, I should probably record that one of these days. Anyway, her enthusiasm is greatly appreciated but when it’s time to actually brush, things get a little tricky. You see, we have two very different opinions about what brushing teeth looks like. Her’s looks a lot like sucking out the toothpaste and biting the bristles on the toothbrush in random parts of her mouth. Clearly, her method is not ideal for clean teeth, so we are working on setting up some tricks to help create healthy teeth brushing habits. That’s why I was so excited to get my hands on Dr. Brown’s Infant-to-Toddler Toothbrush.