Growing up in Southern California meant that I never went too long without a trip to Disneyland. In fact, I even had an Annual Pass all through college. Naturally, when I had Elouise I began wondering when I would finally be able to take her to the happiest place on earth.
Why I’m Hooked on Prenatal Yoga
Believe it or not, my doctor doesn’t count chasing around my crazy active toddler as exercise. Clearly she must not have children. In any case, I have been trying my hardest to stay active with intentional exercise during this pregnancy. You see, when I was pregnant with Elouise I was teaching full time and on my feet most of the day scurrying around a classroom. I never really felt like squeezing in those extra 30 minutes of exercise seemed as pressing. This time around, I’m a stay at home mama and feel like I have no excuse.
Summertime is Here
Okay, to be fair Summer doesn’t officially begin for another 10 days. I just think that when temps have been in the 90’s and above for the last few weeks, I’m allowed to start celebrating early.
Bath Time with Ideal Baby
Bath time is a crowd favorite in the Cannon household. Elouise could splash around for hours with her toys and some toddler tunes. Personally, I’m a fan of my child sitting happily in one place for more than five minutes, and I know I’m not the only mama who feels this way.
The Cannon Adventures: Mini Mother’s Day Hike
We are a family of adventure seekers, we love to travel, explore, and try new things. That’s why I’m starting this little series, The Cannon Adventures. I’ll be sharing new adventures and some of the ones we’ve already had, because they have been pretty incredible.