The 3 Items You Need to Survive Shopping with Kids

We’ve all been there, only halfway through a shopping trip when one of your kids enters into full on meltdown mode. You could leave, but then you’d be without your groceries and your “mom stash” of M&M’s Easter Peanut Butter Eggs (If you haven’t tried them, it’s fine there will just be more for me). You could get into a debate with your tantrum throwing toddler, but we all know those are hardly successful. You could pull a really enticing toy off the shelf to keep them occupied for the rest of the trip, but then you either deal with another meltdown when you don’t purchase said toy at checkout or actually have to fork over $24.99 for a toy that will be forgotten or broken by the weekend. Your last option is to get into the fetal position in the middle of the cereal aisle and hope that a fairy godmother will come grant your wish and magically poof you back home and put your kids down for a three hour nap. Yeah, none of those scenarios are great but I’ve been in all of them. Alright, I might not have exactly gotten into the fetal position but I’ve sure wished for a fairy godmother, or a magic lamp with a genie, or even a magical amulet that would send me a helpful princess. Well, I’m here to very happily tell you that I’ve figured out the magic combo to shopping survival, and it includes three simple things, want to know what they are? Keep scrolling sister!

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Sullivan Gray: 4 Months

What a difference a month makes. Seriously though, he is into a whole different stage of baby-hood and it’s blowing my mind. Currently he’s undergoing an enormous developmental leap (please tell me that you have the Wonder Weeks app?) and it’s so fun to watch him discover new things ever day. Since he’s really getting into grabbing and chewing, toys have now started to become relevant to this little guy. He has a few things that he loves so I’ve rounded up some of our current favorite items and linked them at the bottom of the post. First, here’s a little update on our little chunky monkey.

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Every Baby Need Moccs

Okay, so I have to admit I was totally one of those people who thought spending money on certain baby items was silly. Then I had my first baby and I would have dropped any amount of money for the perfect item for her. I soon realized though that going broke was just around the corner if I kept my addiction up. So, I figured out which items were worth it, and one of those things are baby moccasins. I don’t know what exactly it is but those tiny little feet slipped into those cute little shoes just makes my heart skip a beat. Even just seeing the tiny things lying around gives me a twinge of baby fever, and I just had a baby 2 months ago for crying out loud! Like I discovered with a lot of baby items, not all brands create the same quality of product. Let me just say this once and for all for all of you skeptics out there, not all moccs are created equally. I am die hard, fan girl obsessed with Freshly Picked you guys and they just released a whole new line called “The First Pair” of super adorable, super affordable, newborn size crib moccasins. Just take a look at this little man rocking his newborn moccs and you’ll have no choice but to agree.

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My Kind of Dinner with Hello Fresh

Okay, so let me start by saying that I actually love to cook. However, being an adult means that cooking is typically not a leisurely experience where I am trying out a new fancy recipe, wearing a cute apron, and listening to french music. Nope, like never actually. This means cooking has become a little bit more like a chore and a lot less like a hobby. I think the biggest reason why cooking isn’t as enjoyable for me is because I have to meal plan, grocery shop, and do all the cooking (luckily my amazing husband handles all the clean up). Enter my new obsession, Hello Fresh. I click a button and 3 meals are sent straight to my doorstep with everything I need to have a great dinner for my family. I can finally relax and have fun in the kitchen again and I even had the energy and patience to let Elouise be my mini sous-chef! Lucky for you I have a sweet coupon at the end of the post.

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Pump, Pump, Pump it Up!

If I’m being honest, I was a little hesitant to write this post. It’s not because I don’t love the product, believe me I totally do. The thing is I’m a pretty modest person, so sharing about something with the word breast in it was a little intimidating. However, here I am doing it because this manual pump from Dr. Brown’s is just that good. I knew that pumping and bottle feeding was something I wanted to have as an option with Sullivan, so I am so glad that I found this quick and easy option.

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