Mrs Seacannon Must-Haves: Tubby Todd Mama Products


We discovered pretty early on that Elouise had sensitive skin just like her Daddy and I do. In fact she even had some pretty bad eczema as a newborn. We tried several different all natural products for her and none of them cut it, but then we found Tubby Todd. Their products are 100% natural and are so luxurious, yes you can use that word for baby bath products. For the past year we have been hooked, and I say ‘we’ because it’s totally the body wash, lotion, and bubble bath that I love to use as well. Naturally when they announced that they were releasing a line of products for mamas, I knew I had to get my hands on them. They sure did not disappoint!

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Dressing the Bump: Week 22


Wait, didn’t I just post one of these? Well either way, we are now in week 22 and I’m sticking to my guns and sharing another dressing the bump post. So, there. Honestly, I think my belly pretty much looks the same for now, but inside things are getting crazy. I have felt this little guy moving since right around 12 weeks, but the full on kicks and punches have now begun and you’d think he was an aspiring blackbelt. He also loves to flip around using my bladder as a spring board, so that’s really fun. For the last five months I have been using little tricks to keep wearing as many non-maternity pieces as possible, but I don’t think they’re going to work for much longer.

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Mrs Seacannon Must-Haves: Giveaway with Famous Footwear


You guys, my husband and I have a serious shoe obsession, and clearly Elouise is doomed because I don’t even want to tell you how many pairs she has right now. I honestly didn’t realize how bad it was until we moved into our current cozy home and had to fit all of our belonging in 900 square feet (it was not easy). In fact we even had a shoe rack by our stairs so we could have a place for them all. Don’t worry, we paired it with a cute little sign that says “leave your shoes please” to encourage our guests to take off their shoes before coming in. So they’ll never know we are really shoe hoarders, unless of course they’ve read this post.

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Dressing the Bump: Week 21


I can hardly believe that I have officially passed the halfway checkpoint in this pregnancy. I realized this week that I’ve been terrible at documenting my growing belly, which is something that I swore I would be better at this time around. I’m pretty sure we have maybe three photos of my bump from my entire pregnancy with Elouise. So, I figured now was as good of a time as any to start a weekly “dressing the bump” series where I will show you some of my favorite go-to pieces to survive pregnancy with a whole lot of comfort and about an ounce of style.

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It’s Official!

Believe it or not, this pregnancy is halfway over already. We just had our 20 week ultrasound yesterday and I feel like this whole baby thing is finally official. I’ll be honest, it’s mostly due to the fact that I had an irrational fear that our initial gender ultrasound would be proven incorrect at our mid-way scan. I kept imagining having to return all of the sweet baby boy clothes I have been collecting (or hoarding if you ask my husband) and my heart would sink. Well, our sweet ultrasound technician made it very clear that we are in fact having a boy! So now I can finally relax a bit and hope that the rest of this pregnancy will fly by and be super blissful. I mean, a girl can hope!

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