The Cannon Adventures: Seattle Trip

Well, now that the effects of the travel trauma have fully worn off I’m I’m finally ready to share about our Seattle trip. I’m half joking. Which means that I’m half serious. You guys, the highlights we’re seeing one of my oldest friends marry her best friend, watching Elouise as the cutest flower girl, and eating at Biscuit Bitch. So, basically we could have done our whole trip in 48 hours instead of the 5 days of madness. I was so stressed most of the time that I hardly took any photos but we have a few winners, and I’ve put together some of my favorite moments from my Instagram stories, including her walking down the aisle, into a little video of cuteness.

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Dressing the Bump: Week 34

This week we braved one more big Disneyland day. I’m talking 10 hours of toddler themed fun at the happiest place on earth. Lots and lots of characters were hugged, a few big girl rides were ridden for the first time, and we watched the live Frozen show (or as Elouise keeps referring to it, the Ana Elsa Show). It was so worth it but by the end of the day I thought my body was going to just power down like a robot with some worn out batteries. I did however plan my outfit perfectly for once. I seem to always underestimate the weather when we go, thinking the temperature won’t feel as hot or as cold as it really does. Not this time, I was finally on the money. I chose a comfy little t-shirt style dress that didn’t hug or dig into my belly, the comfiest sneakers that I own, and a cozy sweater from Evystree for the cool morning and evening hours. Score! Also, I know I’m overdue for sharing the story of how Christian proposed so I’ll include that below. Eeek!

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5 Do’s & Don’ts when Traveling with a Toddler

So let me start by saying that yesterday was the worst day of my life. Part of me is thankful that I haven’t had worse things happen, but then the other part of me is still traumatized from it all. Can I just say something that seems obvious? I’m going to because it screwed us over big time. Always research airline policies. You don’t wan’t to pay $25 for your bags on the way out and have to pay $270 on the way home. Yep, that was us, I thought my husband was going to have an aneurysm. Then our flight was delayed for 20 minutes, that turned into 3 hours. The best part was we were told after the 20 minutes that the problem was fixed and they were completing paperwork, so the paperwork lasted 2 and a half hours I guess. Hilarious. My poor sleep deprived child was having meltdown after meltdown in the airport. Then they lost our car seat. Our car seat you guys! Meaning that we couldn’t leave the airport with our child. I just can’t even think about it all again because I might go into pre-term labor. I did compile a list for you guys of do’s and don’t I learned on our trip, so I’ll stop complaining and share those.

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What I’m Packing for a Plane Ride with a Toddler

Tomorrow we are waking up bright and early for a traffic filled drive to the airport and hopping on a flight to Seattle. One of my oldest and dearest friends is getting married so we will be up there for 5 days sight seeing and celebrating. Plus, Elouise will be making her debut as the cutest flower girl this side of the Mississippi, or anywhere for that matter. The last time we flew with E she was only 7 months old, but she was the perfect little angel. Well flying with a walking, talking, very opinionated toddler is going to be a whole different experience I’m sure. However, I am prepared with all sorts of tricks and tactics to keep her happy so I thought I’d share with you guys what I’ll be packing in my diaper bag.

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The Cannon Adventures: A Day in Oak Glen, CA

I apologize in advance for the amount of adorable photos I’m including in this post. It’s just been so long since I’ve had a family adventure to post because pregnancy has been a roller coaster. This trip up to Oak Glen is one that I knew was worth it even if it meant my sciatic nerve would be killing me by the end of the day. You see, a trip up to pick raspberries once Fall rolls around has been a family tradition for as long as I can remember. Sure, it may not be Fall according to the calendar, but Starbucks is serving Pumpkin Spice Lattes so that counts to me!

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