I’m 30 weeks and loving this nightie and robe combo from Belabumbum! Plus the maternity and nursing chemise
is a dual product since it works now for my giant bump and will be perfect for middle of the night nursing sessions when baby arrives. I’m really trying to soak up this week because next week we will be in a single digit countdown and I know at that point time is going to fly by. Between all of the baby prep and all of the other craziness happening in our family, this baby will be here in the blink of an eye. I cannot wait to smell his sweet little newborn head, there’s something about that newborn smell that acts as a magic cure for all of the cares of the world. Until then, I have been finding my source of calm in my morning quiet times, this morning was particularly meaning for me.
Would You Rather
This morning I found myself reading in the Bible about the Israelites. They might just be my favorite part about reading the Old Testament, they went through some crazy seasons of rebellion, denial, and downright disobedience, yet they remained the Lord’s chosen people. So today, I was reading about when God led the people through the Red Sea, one of my most favorite stories in scripture. Yet this time the first two verses really jumped out to me and normally I think I just skim right past them.
“When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea.”
Exodus 13:17 & 18
When you continue reading the story of the Israelites you read that their journey through the desert was far from pleasant, which lead to a whole lot of complaining. I can imagine I might be prone to complaining too if I was in their shoes. Especially since there was another way they could have gone that was shorter, through a civilized country. You know, where there were people, homes, food, and shelter readily available. Yet, God had a plan and there was a reason that he sent them the other way, because little did they know they would have faced war if they took that route. Well that changes a whole lot, doesn’t it? Now when you look at the two options it’s kind of like a really bad game of would you rather. Would you rather travel through a war zone or through the desert? That’s the point as a kid where I’d say “This is dumb, I don’t want to play anymore”.
In reality, I can learn a lot from these two sentences in regards to the season my family is in right now. To be honest I feel like right now we are kinda in a desert season, and we have been for a while. I absolutely sense God with us, guiding each little step, and providing for us each day, but I sure wouldn’t mind being in the promise land instead. Except instead of a land ” flowing with milk and honey” I would be totally fine with a place that has more than one bedroom and to not be wondering if this month will be the month where we can’t pay all of the bills. So, as I wander through each day with my sweet family and I see exciting opportunities lost or another door closed, I am no longer going to wonder how much longer will we be here. Even though the others paths I see may be shorter or make more sense logically. Instead, I’m going to be thankful because I don’t know what sort of “war” would have been down those other paths for our family. What I do know is that God has a plan, and while we may not always have our choice of dream options in front of us, we can find rest in the fact that wherever he sends us, He will be with us.
*My robe and nightgown were provided by Belabumbum but this post is in no way sponsored and all opinions of the clothing are my own.