Hospital Bag Packing (The Third Time Around)

This is my third time packing a hospital bag and I’ve realized that you really don’t “need” much at all. There are tons of things however that will make your stay a little bit easier and more comfortable. Typically in life I am all about keeping it simple but I tend to also be an over-packer. It’s a weird combination, I’m aware, but especially when it comes to something like giving birth I’d much rather have a bigger bag than regret that I didn’t bring something along. The things I’m sharing are obviously the things that are my own personal choices that I know will create a comfortable environment for me and my hubby. So, take these lists with a grain of salt and go with your gut when you’re packing. I’m going to include a list of items for during labor and one for items I pack for recovery.

What I’m Packing for Labor

  • Birthing Ball: I know that some hospitals provide these and that’s amazing. Mine does not, but the birthing ball is something I couldn’t have lived without during Elouise’s birth and definitely used on and off during Sully’s. It’s not super convenient to lug into the hospital or keep in your car but if you’re like me, you’ll be so glad you had it!
  • Pillows from home: Now, if you’re not a pillow snob like me, you may not care about this, but I cannot deal with hospital pillows. They are flat and so uncomfortable. I bring my own but I’d recommend maybe buying some cheap pillowcases to throw on their that you can toss if necessary. Labor and delivery (and even those first few days of recovery) involve a LOT of fluids. In fact when Elouise was born her umbilical cord burst and sprayed blood around the hose like a fire hose. It ended up all over us as well and all over my pillows. Yikes.
  • Diffuser and Essential Oils: We use essential oils for so many things but a huge thing we do is diffuse them for different benefits. There are some amazing oils we use for relaxation and focus and I’ll be diffusing oils non-stop in the labor and delivery room. I’ll also have different rollers and oils to use on my skin to support different things. I’ll share more about what oils I’m using in a post later this week!
  • Birthing Playlist: This is something that you can make personal for you. Whatever kind of vibe you want to set in the room can be easily shaped through playing music. We like to keep the lights dim and have uplifting and calm worship music playing. If you guys are interested I am totally willing to share my playlist.
  • Ningxia Packets: This is an amazing antioxidant drink that we have every morning in our house. It’s benefits are insane and they even make little 2oz packets and I will be bringing them to sip on for that extra needed boost for my body to do the hardest work ever during labor.
  • Cheap Flip Flops: Have a pair for you and your hubby, just in case you need to utilize the shower in your room during labor for pain relief. We grab cheap ones from Old Navy and then if they get all kinds of yucky we don’t feel bad tossing them after.
  • Hubby Survival Items: Now this is something we didn’t really do for my first birth but did for the second one. During labor your partner is typically your life line, at least that’s how it is for us. We choose to only have the two of us in the room and it ends up being so intimate and special. However your hubby while supporting you is also making sacrifices. Yes yes I know nothing compared to what we go through but in order to make sure he can support you in the best way possible have a little supply of things you know he’d love. Little snacks, his favorite drink, or anything really.

What I’m Packing for Recovery

  • Lily Jade Bag: If you’ve followed me for a while you’ve probably seen that I am mostly rocking my Lily Jade bags. They are durable premium leather bags that come with a super convenient organizational insert that’s actually removable as well. It’s easy to keep things neat and tidy and pack smart when you have a spot for everything and everything in it’s spot. That’s what makes my Lily Jade my choice for packing for the hospital.
  • Nesting Olive Classic Dress: this dress is so soft and cozy, had snaps for easy breastfeeding, and pockets for an added bonus. I know I’ll be super comfortable in it during recovery but also won’t feel like a mess when visitors stop by. Even though it will feel like wearing pajamas, it won’t look like it!
  • B.D.A. Bra from Belly Bandit: Hands down my favorite nursing bra to wear with a brand new baby. In the beginning you are nursing SO much, like around the clock, and having to deal with the pesky clips and hooks and snaps is just something I don’t have the time or energy for. These bras hold their shape well to give you the support you need while your milk is coming in and don’t stretch out after you use them for a while like some of the other brands that make a bra similar to this. Just trust me, don’t get the copy cat bra from Target.
  •  PATpat Pacifier from Ryan and Rose: Now this is one of those things that you might laugh at, but I’d rather have this tiny thing packed and not use it, then be wishing that I would have packed it. You just never know what’s going to happen in labor and delivery and how long you and/or your baby will need to end up staying in the hospital. My babies have all been super picky with pacifiers and I am also super picky about which ones I will give my kiddos. I love Ryan and Rose products, their pacifier clips are all we use, and now they have this amazing pacifier as well. It’s coming with us.
  • Covered Goods Nursing Cover: These multi-use covers are the only ones I’ve had for all three kiddos. Cutest prints, so soft, and designed perfectly to cover mama and baby comfortably (comfortable being the key word here). Just in case I have a family member or friend visit who might not be comfortable with me just whipping off my top to nurse, I want to have these on hand. Sure, I totally can just ask them to leave the room or tell them to get over it if I want but again I like to be prepared.
  • Fridababy Mom Washer: I talked about this in my baby registry post as well. This item seems pure genius. When you’re dealing with all of the yuck of cleaning up “down there” you don’t want to have to also be sticking half your arm into the toilet to make sure you are squirting all the places you need to. Some may seems it’s silly since the hospital provides a standard squirt bottle, but this angled spout will make all the difference. I’ll take anything to make my life easier as I navigate trying to recover and take care of three kiddos.
  • Comfy Slippers: I brought my own socks with Elouise because I had learned that the hospital socks are not comfortable for me personally, but then they had to get thown away after because they’d been walking all over the hospital floor (yuck) So instead I brought my favorite cozy hard soled slippers. Then when I got home I just cleaned and sanitized the bottoms and boom good as new!
  • Diffuser and Essential Oils: I always have our diffusers going in our home, they support our overall health and wellness and also are amazing for mood boosting and emotional support and sleep support. I plan to have super mild oils diffusing constantly in our room to help keep us grounded and relaxed.
  • Peri Spray (for the lady bits): I will explain this more in the post I have coming up about what oils I’m using for labor/delivery and postpartum but for now let me say that I am now aware of the junk in the lovely spray the hospital provides and I’ll be saying a big no thank you to using that this time. This spray has the same effect and also has healing benefits so double whammy!
  • Happy Mama essential oil roller: using an emotional support blend of oils each morning is something I already do, so I’ll be making one that has some extra oils and other benefits for postpartum because mama needs all the extra help I can that. More on that later this week in my oily post!
  • iPad or Laptop: Honestly whether or not you need this will depend on your hospital. We like to have access to Netflix when we are dealing with sleepless nights so we always pack ours! And headphones, just in case you take shift with your partner and don’t want to disturb their sleep.
  • Toiletries and things that make you feel like “you”: I cannot stress this enough, giving birth and caring for a newborn takes everything you have. Everything. Yes those first couple of days are some of the most special bonding time in the world but it’s also depleting. Anything you can bring to make you feel like your normal self, especially when visitors come, is important in my opinion. If you’re someone who always has their hair and makeup done then bring your glam kit! If you want to bring a face mask or hydrating eye pads, do it! That first shower after delivery is one of the best feelings in the world so bring the things you love from home to make you feel as much like yourself again as possible!

Hopefully these few things will help you decide what you might want to pack for your own hospital bag! Like I’ve said a few times, so many things are really dependent on your personality and preferences. Pack whatever is going to make your life a little more peaceful during the process. And head to my Instagram to see how you can win a bunch of these items for yourself!

Thank You For Sharing

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