10 Things You Should Have in Your Diaper Bag for a Toddler

Well, I’ve had a toddler now for almost six months and I can say that I’ve finally found the magic formula for how to pack my diaper bag. The transition from infant to toddler sort of crept up on me, and I suddenly realized that half of the stuff I carried in my bag wasn’t essential anymore. So, I re-evaluated and repacked everything based on what I’ve figured out we usually need on a day to day basis. I’ve put together a list of the 10 things you should have in your diaper bag for a toddler.


  1. Gathre Micro Mat: This bonded leather mat is one of the few things that has been in my diaper bag since the beginning. It can be easily rolled up and takes up minimal space and has so many uses. Now that Elouise is a wiggly toddler, changing diapers on the go is not easy. Gone are the days of quickly changing her in my lap. This leather mat keeps her off the germy places I need to change her, floors or public bathroom changing tables, and can be wiped down super easy.
  2. Seventh Generation Diapers & Wipes: Another one that is a diaper bag alumni, but just as essential still. These diapers  and wipes are not only free and clear of all the yucky chemicals, but they actually fit. We’ve tried others that don’t work so well, and with the contents of a toddler diaper, you don’t want to risk any leaks. Their wipes are my favorite, they are 100% clean 0% toxic, and on they strong and thick which means I have to use less for clean up.
  3. Itty Bittys: We are HUGE fans of these in our house. They can be found at the Hallmark store and are pretty reasonably priced. They have so many of your child’s favorite characters from movies, tv shows, and books for both boys and girls. Plus, they are just the right size, itty-bitty enough to fit one or two in your diaper bag, but big enough to evoke some really fun imaginative play or cuddles.
  4. Tubby Todd All Over Ointment: We use our Tubby Todd products for various reasons everyday, but for me the one that is the godfather of all products is the All Over Ointment. It can be used for pretty much anything. I know I sound like the Dad from My Big Fat Greek Wedding talking about Windex, but I’m serious. We pull it out for diaper rash, dry skin, boo boos and scrapes, you name it!
  5. Covered Goods: This is the appropriately named multi-use cover. For the first 12 months I mainly used it for nursing coverage, but it has so many other uses that its still in my bag even though we aren’t breastfeeding anymore. It gets used as our shopping cart cover, high chair cover, the occasional blanket, and I’ve even used it to set in the swings on a hot day at the park.
  6. Honest Hand Sanitizer Spray: Obviously hand sanitizer is a must have with kids, but they are not all created equal. This spray is so convenient because its easy to make sure your kiddos are actually getting clean hands. Plus I use it often to spay dropped toys, mysteriously germy surfaces, and even the table when we go out to eat.
  7. Munchkin Click-Lock Cup: We have all sorts of sippy and straw cups from munchkin and to be honest we love them all. This just happens to be Elouise’s current favorite. Its got a fun chunky straw, it has an ergonomic design so its easy for her to grip, plus it has the perfect little spot to attach our Cutie Clips when we’re out.
  8. YumEarth Organics Suckers: Okay, to be fair, this one might be different for each family. We don’t often do sugar or sweets. My child actually calls prunes “treats” and frozen yogurt squeezers “ice cream”. However, when you are venturing out into the world with an unpredictable toddler, you need a trick up your sleeve, or in your bag. These are our tricks to calm to crankies, stop a meltdown in a desperate time, or even get Elouise to participate in a photoshoot.
  9. NurturMe Quinoa Squares: These are our new favorite! They are whole grain, have no added sugar, non GMO, Gluten free, and are a complete protein. Plus they come in super convenient little single portion bags that are easy to pop in the diaper bag.
  10. Ryan and Rose Cutie Clips: These are the magic baby product. They started out as a pacifier clip and then we used it for teethers. Now we clip her toys and cups when she is in the stroller to stop them from falling as we stroll. We also carry several extra at all times and even use them to clip a napkin to Elouise’s shirt like a bib if we are out to eat and she is having something particularly messy.

Now that I’ve got my system down, I get to enjoy it for another 3 months until I add another baby to the mix. Then I’ll be in a whole new territory, carrying things for two kiddos who need a variety of different things. Anybody have tips for packing your diaper bag for a toddler and a newborn?

Thank You For Sharing

One thought on “10 Things You Should Have in Your Diaper Bag for a Toddler

  1. Hi Liz,
    Thanks for sharing your tips. I get more ideas from it. I have a two years old twin baby. I am looking for a Backpack diaper bag for twins to travel with my baby.

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