Baby Cannon #3

We are seriously so thrilled to have another little one on the way. It’s been so hard keeping the secret this time around because it has quite simply knocked me on my feet. I’m sharing few more fun variations of our announcement photos here because there were a few really good ones! We knew we wanted to do something simple for the announcement (because there really are no new ideas under the sun) but wanted to put our own new unique twist on it. When we came up with the “trilogy” idea for our custom t-shirts it was the obvious winner. Well, I’ve gotten LOTS of DMs and questions about some of the details of the pregnancy so I’m sharing the answers here. I will share my favorite first trimester items this weekend since I only have a couple more days left until I’m sailing into the second trimester.

When is your due date?

The official due date is October 28th! Christian’s birthday is October 31st and then Sully’s is November 9th so I’m really keeping my fingers crossed that this baby comes a little early so we can have a little space between the Fall birthdays in our family. But, we all know that babies come when they are ready, hence why Elouise was a week late and Sully was a week early LOL

How have you been feeling?

This pregnancy has been night and day different from my first two. I am closing out week 13 and still am dealing with some morning sickness. In the beginning, it was bad, I’m talking barely could eat any food and some days couldn’t get off of the couch. Most food has sounded really awful and half of the time when I would start to eat something it would make me sick and I couldn’t finish it. There were times where I would have to make Christian throw the food away because I couldn’t look at it anymore. I thought that only happened in movies haha. It started right around 3.5 weeks (we found out early, more on that next) and in the beginning, I was sick 90% of the day, but it slowly has gotten better and better. Now I’m just freaking exhausted because being pregnant with a 3-year-old and a 1.5-year-old is insane.

Were you trying to get pregnant? 

Yes! We totally were wanting to get pregnant. I’ve been ready for like 6 months, but Chrisitan not so much. In fact, it was up in the air whether or not another baby would even be in the cards for our family. Around November of last year, my period was really late and I thought for sure I was pregnant. Turns out I wasn’t and I was super disappointed. I think it took that happening for Christian to realize that he was okay with the idea of having a third. So in December, we stopped preventing and I got two periods still. It was honestly discouraging because with our other two kiddos we got pregnant the first month we started “trying” and while I know there are so many women who deal with so much more to get pregnant it set me into a spiral of fear and worry that we would maybe not be able to get pregnant this time around. Those feelings were really hard to process and totally valid and scary. When February rolled around Christian had to leave for a cruise for work that was traveling to an area that was a Zica risk. With that being said we were told that we couldn’t try to get pregnant for 6 months after and that was devastating. Well, on Valentine’s day (while Christian was still on his trip) I took an early results pregnancy test, because who wants to wait the extra 6 days? To my shock it was positive! I still had to take a few more tests over the next couple of days to make sure that it was real.

The onesie says “The Finale”, does that mean you don’t want more kids?

Of course, we don’t know 100% for sure what the future holds, but in our minds right now we feel peace about being “done” with our family. I am trying my best to savor this pregnancy and this baby like it is our last because most likely they will be. We’ve also talked about foster care or adoption in the future but we will just have to see what God has in store for us, we are definitely open to that.

How did you tell your family?

We told our families when we were all together at Disneyland for Elouise’s birthday. We had the cast member taking our photo shout ” Say, ‘Liz is pregnant!’ ” and it took everyone a comical amount of time to realize what was actually going on. I have the video saved to my Instagram story highlights.

Do Elouise and Sully understand about the new baby?

Yes! So obviously Elouise get a lot more than Sully does. She asks to see the weekly video on my pregnancy app and wants to see pictures of the ultrasound all the time. currently, they love to kiss and blow raspberries on my belly and Elouise really likes to sing and talk to the baby. She tells every person we run into that she’s getting a new baby sister (we do NOT know the gender yet, lol) especially strangers who then look at me awkwardly wondering what they should say since I don’t have an obvious baby bump to give them a reason to congratulate me.

Will you find out the gender?

YES! So, it’s a funny story actually. After finding out Sully was a boy we talked about how fun it would be to let the gender be a surprise if we ever had another baby. However, now that I’m actually pregnant I have to laugh at that idea because I am WAY too Type A to go 10 months without knowing what kind of baby is growing inside of me and knowing what to plan for as far as clothes and such. So we have an appointment in about a week to find out the gender with the kids and the grandparents.

Have you had any cravings?

I have had one major craving that has lasted since almost the beginning, oranges! I could eat them all day long! I’ve also been into sandwiches more than usual and that’s saying a lot because I already ate them almost every day. Don’t worry for any of you worriers I buy the $8 organic, all natural, hormone free, not nitrate lunch meat and heat it up, so we’re all good. Other than that it’s been mostly momentary cravings and aversions that come and go at random. Except for coffee that has repulsed me entirely so far during this pregnancy and I’m eagerly awaiting the day it sounds good again.



Thank You For Sharing

One thought on “Baby Cannon #3

  1. Cass

    This announcement is so darling! and the shirts couldn’t be any more perfect for our current family situation (wink wink). And just to throw it out there, I predict that you’re having a girl! I craved oranges and sandwiches like craaaazy with my first girl. ☺️? Best of luck to you and your adorable family.

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