Cleaner Carpets without Chemicals

If you’ve been around, even for the shortest amount of time, you’ve probably noticed I am a freak about chemicals coming into my home. We are non-toxic as possible, and that means that the cleaning products we use are all natural and safe for our family. Well, when I decided enough was enough with our nasty rental carpet that my children lay and play on, my need for non-toxic made it super tough to find a solution. Literally, almost everything I was using some sort of harsh, abrasive, awful, chemical solution to clean my carpets. Meaning I was trading germs for chemicals, and I was not okay with that trade-off. There had to be a better way, and I knew I found it when I came across Zerorez.

Zerorez is my dream come true cleaning service. They don’t use soaps, detergents, or chemicals. Nope! In fact, all they use is water. No, I’m not joking! This water is special though, it’s electrolyzed water. They call this their Power Solution and its a super strong cleaning agent but, get this, it’s also safe enough to drink. Their service van that came to my house literally said: “The guys that drink the water”. That kinda says it all right there!

When our technician came in he explained what he was going to be doing and took a little look around the house to make sure he was prepared for each room we were having cleaned. (Zerorez offers a ton more cleaning services, but we just got our carpets cleaned this time). He got all set up, even putting protectors on the corners of the walls the hose might be coming into contact with and wearing booties. Plus, he left us all a pair of booties as well. However, we technically didn’t “need” to wear them if we didn’t want to. Since there is no chemical or soap there is no residue, so that means you’re literally just left with damp carpet. As long as your tootsies are clean, you can walk all over the place. Plus the dry time was between 4-8 hours which is way faster than more cleaning services.

I’ll be honest, I ended up taking the kids out to breakfast because they were stir crazy and made my hubby stay home and when I got back I was literally in shock. Our carpets look brand new! Not only are all of the disgusting stains gone, but they look fluffy and soft in places where it used to look matted. I couldn’t believe it! Scroll down to see the before and after photos because they are insane! And if you’re in Southern California like me, just head to and they will take great care of you!


Without any further ado, I give you the before and after photos. I’m almost embarrassed to show you them, but it’s rental home carpet so half of the filth isn’t even from my family, maybe, lol. The top two photos are the before of the areas that were the nastiest. Right in front of our stairs and right in front of the baby gate that leads into the family room. Boom. If these photos don’t convince you, then I don’t know what will!




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