Kids Night on Broadway at Segerstrom

Christian and I both have a deep love for the theater. He grew up performing in theater productions and I grew up performing literally everywhere I went (one example being the bathroom of my tiny orthodontic’s office where everyone could hear me belting Part of Your World at my own reflection in the mirrored walls). What can I say, the world was my stage! But we quickly found when we were dating that attending the theater was one of favorite things to do together. We made it a goal to see one performance a year and our track record held pretty strong until we had babies, gotta love those squishy little things. Last year we were able to take the kids to the Nutcracker ballet though and I feel like it really re-ignited our passion for live theater! Yesterday the big boys got to have a special date to see Blue Man Group at Segerstrom Center for the Arts and boy did they have a blast!

I just have to shoutout Segerstrom for their attention to detail, they host a Kids Night on Broadway where certain performances offer a free kids ticket with the purchase of an adult ticket (use code BLUEKID when you check out if you’re headed there January 7th or 8th!). Plus there are a ton of interactive things set up in all the lobby areas. Last night boasted a coloring table, a art instillation you could participate in, a drum circle, and some cool photo ops! I love that they create such a special time for kids to experience the theater. It’s something I hope to instill in my kiddos and making it such a well rounded experience makes that easy for me to ensure!

Let’s just talk about the performance for a second though. No, I didn’t personally attend but I heard all about it on the drive home from both the boys. I knew it would be a hit with Sully because he is SO into anything with drums but I wasn’t sure how Christian would like it. He’s typically a tough one to impress and I think maybe he liked it more than Sully did. He talked all about how to show was well rounded with performance, music, and comedy and how they blended all three together perfectly.

If you want to catch a performance, Blue Man Group will be at Segerstrom until January 12th and tickets start at $26, which is such a steal! Thanks to Segerstrom for hosting my boys for the show!


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