Pump, Pump, Pump it Up!

If I’m being honest, I was a little hesitant to write this post. It’s not because I don’t love the product, believe me I totally do. The thing is I’m a pretty modest person, so sharing about something with the word breast in it was a little intimidating. However, here I am doing it because this manual pump from Dr. Brown’s is just that good. I knew that pumping and bottle feeding was something I wanted to have as an option with Sullivan, so I am so glad that I found this quick and easy option.

One of the reasons I didn’t love pumping when Elouise was a newborn was that it all felt like so much work! I had a big, bulky double electric pump with what felt like a thousand parts. Although I figured it out eventually, it was so hard to find my rhythm with holding both hard plastic pumps up to my chest and adjusting the settings in order to be the most efficient to get milk out. Also, I never really left Elouise, so she never had a bottle. It felt like I was doing all this hard work for nothing since I never had a “need” to give her a bottle. So I barely ever pumped, and the milk I did save ended up going to waste. (I found out later that you can donate breastmilk! I wish I would have known!) It was definitely a less than ideal situation.

This time around I knew I wanted to do things differently. I wanted to have a routine where I pumped to build up a freezer stash so I could leave the kiddos when I needed, but also every once in a while I decided I would pump with my manual breast pump and just feed that bottle to Sullivan right there. I don’t know why I didn’t think of this option with E, it’s seriously so easy! Here’s why, with the included adapter, my Dr. Brown’s pump can collect the milk in the wide neck glass bottles that we use. That means no extra parts to wash, and with it being a single pump I cut my clean up in half. Score! Let’s be honest, who has time for dishes with a tiny one and a toddler? Not me! Plus, I can get Sullivan used to using a bottle and not “waste” my freezer stash on times where I am home with him. I’m saving those bad boys for dates with the hubby, girl’s nights, and the occasional solo trip to Target if I’m feeling extra wild.

I also really love that I can literally just pull down my shirt and pump. I don’t have to do some crazy set up and strip down or wear a special bra. I can control the speed and strength of the pump so much easier since I am doing it with my hand. Heck, I can even get up and walk around it i need to. It’s so convenient. Plus, its so much more comfortable to use. It was a soft flexible breast cup that fits to any breast, rather than using a hard plastic cup that may or may not fit to your size. Plus, I just keep all of the parts ready to go in my insulated bottle tote with some extra disposable breast pads, and breastmilk storage bags just in case. Thanks to these few products, I feel like my whole pumping experience has changed for the better.

Hey girl, go ahead and save me to your favorite Pinterest board:


Thanks to Dr. Brown’s for sponsoring this post.

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2 thoughts on “Pump, Pump, Pump it Up!

  1. Alison

    Some great info.. I’m a big fan of Dr. Brown! I would love to see a post in the future about having 2 kids under the age of 2! How you handle the different routines, jealousy, etc. thanks! Happy New Year!

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