The Cannon Adventures: Life Lately

So, I wanted to take a few minutes to update you all on what’s been going on in the Cannon household. I shared before about how this Fall was going to be filled with unknowns and you all responded with such kind words of encouragement. Well, we finally have some answers, although they aren’t exactly what we thought they would be.

Tomorrow is my husband’s last day working at his current job. He has been at this job for about a year and a half and while we had never imagined it to be over this soon, we know it’s for the best. When this job offer came, we had been desperately praying for a new job for Christian. Not only was this the perfect job for him, but it would mean working with some of our favorite people at the church that we had gone to when we were engaged and newly married. It was such a life giving opportunity to be able to live, and for Christian to work, in a community of friends who were in similar seasons of life, having babies and raising their families.

Earlier this year, things at his job went through a huge transition with the lead pastor, the one who offered Christian his job, transitioning out of the church. As this happened, new leadership stepped in and decided to take things in a different direction and slowly over the next months more than half of the people were either let go from the staff or made the decision to leave on their own. It was really hard to watch the changes happening and wonder what it meant for us. The reason we loved this place so much was because of the people we shared it with, but my husband still loved his job. His role shifted a little and we were told that there would be a chance he would be let go due to the fact that the church was struggling financially amidst all of the changes but that they wouldn’t know anything until the end of the year. So, we were a little shocked when three weeks ago he was told that he was being laid off. It was definitely different from what we had anticipated, but we decided to look at this as an opportunity for growth.

Three weeks have gone by and my husband has been applying his little heart out to find a job that will be the right fit for him, for our family, and for us financially. We still aren’t sure what will happen or where we will end up, but there are a few things that we do know. In a little less than 4 weeks this sweet baby boy will be joining our family. Elouise is in such a sweet stage right now, growing and changing literally before our eyes, and I don’t want to be so caught up in trying to make plans that I miss it. I am very, very, pregnant and although its a little stressful that my husband doesn’t have a job, I am a bit relieved that he will be able to be at home with us lending a hand until the big day. This also means that he has a sort of built in paternity leave and unless he finds a new job right away, he will be able to be home with us when the baby arrives.

Instead of looking at this situation and saying holy crap and hiding in my bed, we are praying and waiting. While we explore our options and pray, a lot, about what the future holds, for the first time maybe ever we are choosing to be present and focus on each day as it comes. We are waiting for the right door to open, for the right opportunity to come up, and the right step for our family to take next. Too often we have frantically made our own plans out of fear and they haven’t always turned out as we thought. This time, we are trusting that God will provide at just the right time, and in just the right way, just like he promises to do. If you made it this far, thanks for reading and for caring about my little family. I am so grateful as always for your prayers, encouragements, and kind words.

Thank You For Sharing

6 thoughts on “The Cannon Adventures: Life Lately

  1. You guys are awesome! I’m believing with you that God has something great planned up and will take care of you in the meantime. I love your perspective on the situation and will say a prayer for your family now!

  2. We were there a few years back when I was pregnant with our youngest. I’m so amazed and encouraged by your faith. I truly wish you guys the best and will say a prayer for you.

  3. Megan

    That definitely can’t be easy, but it’s encouraging to hear your thoughts and prayers! My family is in a similar situation with a newborn and some job uncertainty. It’s so easy to worry and miss what’s right in front of us.
    The Lord know what’s best and will do whatever necessary for His glory and our good.

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