Big Kid Beds!

I am so excited to share this post with you guys! It’s kind of bittersweet though because it means my little babies are not so little anymore. Actually, maybe they’ll seem even littler once I see them sleeping peacefully in their new twin size beds. Yes, you read that right, twin size beds! Elouise was due for an upgrade at three and a half years old and Sully is just about as big as her so we figured, why the heck not put our 18 month old in a twin size bed? Part of the reason why we went for it was because we found the perfect mattresses. You all know how important it is to me to bring green and safe products into my home. Well, did you know that most mattresses have secret sneaky chemicals in them? Yuck! Thats why I’m so happy to share that we found Avocado Green Mattresses.

I try my best to create a healthy home and environment, especially when it comes to things my kids use. I love that Avocado is a green mattress, that not only protect the health of my family but also protect our planet. The company was actually started by a husband and wife looking for a better option for their son, and that resonated so much with me. We all just want the best for our kids! So what makes these mattresses “green”? They are made with natural and organic materials like 100% natural latex, natural JOMA wool from New Zealand, and certified organic cotton. It also has the Greenguard Gold certification meaning that it has met the most rigorous emission standards for chemical exposure and pollutants. Can I get an amen?! Why should we have to worry about these things when buying a mattress. Thank goodness I found this brand! Non-toxic, no petroleum based polyurethane foams, chemical flame retardants (You know how some mattresses have that awful smell that lasts for week?! Not these!) and they are hand made on demand in Southern California.

I can’t wait to get these up into the kids new shared bedroom and see how they do sleeping in them! I’ll keep you posted, but wish us luck!


*Thanks so much to Avocado for gifting us the mattresses. All opinions shared in this post are my own. You can read more about my sponsorship and disclosure policies here.

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